The party was supposed to start at 7:02 pm. It was election night 2008. The first African- American President of the United Stated was to be elected...but K.D, had other plans for the night...and the Devil had other plans for him. Over the course of the next 24 hours, six friends who thought they were ing over to have a good time, find themselves spiraling down the rabbit hell.
发布时间:2024-06-03 11:12今日,《老炮儿》导演管虎最新作品《八佰》发布;英雄本无名系列人物海报,演员黄志忠、欧豪、王千源、姜武、张译、杜淳、魏晨、李晨、俞灏明角色造型首次曝光